It’s entirely free and we do not take any commission. Simply register in Partners, and our team will review your request.
There are a few ways it can be done.
You need to have your physical inventory and quality, unique products in order to be listed in Partners. You also need to be a reliable company that offers short lead times. Partners prioritizes US, European, and Australian suppliers, but we are open to all suppliers globally who fit our requirements.
The page offers a limited version of what the listed products look like. If you are already a Partners supplier, just go to your account and the My Products menu, to view how your items are displayed to retailers.
There are two ways of it:
1. Use Partners Auto Order and let the paid orders flow into your store’s admin directly. You will receive a notification from us when this happens.
2. If you do not have the Auto Order, we will send both you and the retailer a notification, after which the retailer needs to place the order in your store.
Then all you have to do is hand over the package to the customer.
The Partners support team is available by email or by live chat accessible from each page’s bottom right corner.